Warren County

Pioneers Espinoza Finds Rhythm In December

As the temperature’s cooled off outside things have begun to heat up for Warren County’s Irving Espinoza on the basketball court.

“Irving Espinoza can flat out flick it,” Warren County head coach Chris Sullens said. “He flicks it as well as anybody in this area. If you leave him open. He is a kid who concentrates on that a lot.”

The Warren County Pioneers are 7-3 overall and 3-2 in the month of December so far. Espinoza has seen an uptick in production in the last month of the year.

“He’s a young man that will get up between three and five hundred shots every few days,” Sullens said. “He really likes shooting the basketball.”

Through Warren County’s five games in December, Irving’s averaged 16.4 points per game. During that five game stretch Espinoza has connected on 4.2 three point shots per game as well.

“He is a young man that can flat out shoot a basketball,” Sullens said. “Proud for him as a senior. He has made some strides as far as being a better teammate and a better person. I’m proud for Irving.”


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