
Tennis Returns To Upperman High School

While it is, never, that Upperman has had a tennis team. It has been longer than most anyone can remember, and it most certainly has been since they moved into their current building; at least according to AD and current coach Ross Fanning.

Yes, coach Fanning, who already does more than any one man reasonably can, has taken it upon himself to coach the team, alongside a few others who do their part to help him balance his responsibilities.

Coach Fanning has played Tennis most of his life, and has a passion for the sport. In fact, he stated to me in our time speaking, this has been something he has wanted to get off the ground for some time now.

Well, it has finally occurred, Upperman has a Tennis team, and not a small one.

In true Upperman athletics fashion, they start a new program and have 10 girls and six boys show up to join. Their boys volleyball team, also in it’s first season, has double digit numbers of participation, and according to coach Fanning, they have already had significant interest in boys lacrosse and girls flag football.

How does he balance it all though? As one man, at a smaller school, with participation rates more than double some schools more than double their size, how does coach Fanning do it?

I asked him that, and more, about Tennis and the like yesterday when we spoke!

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